Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
PBIS - Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports – at OPE
PBIS aims to build effective environments in which desired behavior is more functional than problem behavior. It is based on a problem-solving model and aims to prevent inappropriate behavior through teaching and modeling clear expectations of positive behaviors. We acknowledge students who model successful "SOAR" behavior by a combination of school-wide and classroom-based reward systems. The mission of the PBIS Team at Oglethorpe Point Elementary is:
We strive to create an encouraging and respectful learning environment where our high academic standards are matched by high behavioral standards.
This coincides with our school mission:
We set high expectations in a safe, risk-free, and caring environment to promote critical thinking, reasoning, and the pursuit of knowledge.
Our PBIS Core Team Members:
, Kindergarten
, First Grade
, Second Grade
, Third Grade
Molly High, Fourth Grade
Tyler Mimbs, Fifth Grade
Debbie Arnold, Enhanced Curriculum
Rebecca Parmelee, EIP
Raechal Etheridge, SpEd
Sue Owens, Paraprofessional
Lizzie Martin, Guidance Counselor
, Assistant Principal
Our School Wide Expectations are S.O.A.R. Safe Organized Accountable Respectful
You will see these expectations in our hallways and classrooms and our students understand what it means to SOAR at OPE!
S.O.A.R. also coincides to the Vision of Oglethorpe Point Elementary:
Soar for Excellence in teaching and learning