Supply Lists » Pre-Kindergarten Supply List

Pre-Kindergarten Supply List

School Year: 2025-2026

Grades: PreK

Classes: All Pre-Kindergarten Teachers

The supplies for each grade level are requested, if families are able to purchase.


  • 1
    Book Bag
    (student supply)
  • 1
    Box(es) of Kleenex® Brand Facial Tissues
    (needed in all classroom)
  • 1
    Box(es) of Reclosable Storage Bags
    (needed in all classroom) sealable (sandwich, quart, or gallon)
  • 1
    Change of Clothes (Toddler, Child, Teen)
    (student supply)
  • 1
    Clorox Disinfecting Wipes (bleach free), Canister(s)
    (needed in all classroom)
  • 1
    Hand Sanitizer, Bottle(s)
    (needed in all classroom)
  • 1
    Kindermat -Thin
    (student supply)
  • 1
    (student supply) or blanket