TOTY Spotlight: Breanna Young

Throughout the month of October and November, we will be introducing you to the 2023-2024 Glynn County Teachers of the Year.

Breanna Young was named Teacher of the Year at Oglethorpe Point Elementary School. She has taught pre-K for 12 years and has since taught 2nd and 3rd grade.

Family: My husband Charlie is co-owner of LIve Oak Fitness on SSI! He is a huge Buckeye! We have two daughters, Charlie (13) who is an avid soccer player and Celia (10) who plays tennis and the uke. As a family we love to travel, beach it and just be together! 
What book has most influenced you? "The Book of Joy" by Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama

What is your greatest teaching memory? Oh, my I have so many!! It really might have to be when I ate a bacon cheddar cricket as a class reward for my students meeting a reading goal we had set.

What is your favorite quote or personal motto? “Be the Change you Wish to see in the world”- Ghandi
Any hidden talents or hobbies? I love to bake, go to the beach and play tennis!